Topics : Constructor Destructor   Use Of objects as function arguments Constructor: What is the constructor?   A constructor is...

Constructor,Destructor and objects as function arguments in C++

Topics :
Use Of objects as function arguments

What is the constructor? 

  •  A constructor is a "special" member function which initializes the objects Of class. 
  • The constructor is like a function used to initialize value.
  • The difference between function and constructor is function have the return type and constructor not have the return type. 
  • And the function is invoked when we call but the constructor invoked we object is created.

Properties Of constructor: 

  • The constructor has invoked automatically whenever an object Of class is created. 
  • Constructor name must be same as class name. 
  • Constructors should be declared in the public section because the private constructor cannot be invoked outside the class so they are useless. 
  • Constructors do not have return types and they cannot return values, not even void. 
  • Constructors cannot be inherited, even though a derived class can call the base class constructor. 
  • Constructors cannot be virtual. 
  • An object with a constructor cannot be used as a member Of a union. 
  • They make implicit calls to the operators new and delete when memory allocation is required. 
 Types of constructor :

There are mainly three types Of constructors as follows: 

1. Default constructor
  • The default constructor is the one which invokes by default when object Of the class is created. 
  • default constructor not have any parameter .
  • If they have then it is not Default constructor.
  • It is generally used to initialize the value Of the data members. 
  • It is also called no argument constructor. 

class integar
  int m, n; 
  public : 
  integer ( ) / / Default constructor 

2. Parameterized constructor 
  • Constructors that can take arguments are called parameterized constructors. 
  • Sometimes it is necessary to initialize the various data elements Of different objects with different values when they are created. 
  • We can achieve this objective by passing arguments to the constructor function when the objects are created. 
class integar
  int m, n; 
  public : 
  integer (int a,int b ) / / Parameterized constructor 

3. Copy constructor 
  •  A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from another object. 
  • For example, integer (integer &i); OR integer 12 (11) ; 
  • Constructor which accepts a reference to its own class as a parameter is called copy constructor. 
class Integer
int m,n;
integer(rectangle &x)// Copy constructor

 Default constructor , Parameterized constructor  and Copy constructor  example :

class integar
  int m, n; 
  public : 
 integer ( ) / / Default constructor 
  integer (int a,int b ) / /  Parameterized constructor 
integer(rectangle &x)// Copy constructor

void main()
integar r1;// Default constructor 
integar r2(5,10);//  Parameterized constructor 
integar r3(r2);// Copy constructor

Destructor  :
• The destructor is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor. 
• The destructor is a member function whose name must be same as class name but is preceded by a tilde 
• A destructor will have an exact same name as the class prefixed with a tilde (~) and it can neither return a value nor can it take any parameters. The destructor can be very useful for releasing resources before coming out of the program like closing files, releasing memories etc.
• Destructor never takes any argument nor it returns any value nor it has the return type. 
•  Destructor removes the space which is allocated to the constructor.
• If the class have any constructor then only we can use the destructor.
•  When constructor executed then destructor runs. its means first constructor runs then destructor runs. 
• The destructor is invoked automatically by the compiler upon exit from the program. 
• The destructor should be declared in the public section 

Example :
class integar
  int m, n; 
  public : 
 integer ( ) / / Default constructor 
~integer()// ~disconstructor


void main()
integar r1;// constructor and disconstructor

 Use Of objects as function arguments:

Like any other data type function may be used as a function argument. It can be done in following two ways: 
1. A copy Of the entire object is passed to the function 
  • This method is call pass by value.
  • Since copy Of the object is passed to the function, any changes made to the object inside the function do not affect the object used to call the function. 
  • Only the address Of the object is transferred to the function. 
2. This method is call pass by value.
  • This method is called pass-by-reference. 
  • When an address Of the object is passed, the called function works directly on the actual object used in the call. 
  • This means that any changes made to the object inside the function will reflect in the actual object. 
  • This method is more efficient because it requires passing only addresses Of the object, not an entire object. 
# include < iostream.h> 
class time {
int hours; 
int minutes; 
public : 
void gettime (int h,int m)
void puttime (void) 
cout<<hours<<"hours and";
void sum(time,time);//t1,t2 are object
minutes =t1.minutes+t2.minutes;
hours =minutes/60;
minutes = minutes%60;
void main()
time t1,t2,t3;
t1.gettime(2,45);//get t1
t2.gettime(3,30);//get t2
t1.puttime();//display t1
t1.puttime();//display t2
t1.puttime();//display t3

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